Atlantisite & Stichtite Dangles
Atlantisite & Stichtite Dangles
CHAKRA: Heart, Root and Crown
ELEMENT: Earth and Air
height: 38mm
width: 16mm
Stichtite is a rare crystal that is never usually in large form, it is often found on other crystals
It is a very feminine energy stone that radiates gentle and kind vibrations
If you have self esteem issues it’s a lovey stone to wear, to encourage worth and positivity for yourself
Used for our Heart Chakra it will remove any blockages and heal any emotions within
Stichtite is a tranquil and calming crystal
Magickally it improves frienships and relationships
Metaphysically healing for eating disorders, headaches and hypertension, use it for self manifested physical problems
~ This is a beautiful crystal to create a homely ambience in your surrounds, especially if you live alone
Known as the stone of inner fire, as when using Atlantisite over your Solar Plexus centre you will help rise your inner Kundalini energies upwards from the base of your spine
Perfect to use when you need a boost of vitality and some confidence
Atlantisite enriches our current life path
Magically this stone is associated with Atlantis, and is said to contain the ancient wisdom which allows us to learn natural healing easier
Wonderful to overcome emotional insecurities and get you feeling more positive
Metaphysically healing for heart, lungs, menstruation cramps and helping regulate the natural monthly flow. Useful for healthy digestion and stomach acidity.
Genuine .925 sterling silver