Shiva Lingam
Shiva Lingam
CHAKRA: Root, Sacral and Solar Plexus
weight: 153gms
Length: 82mm or 3 inch
Width: 42mm
Lingams. Do you all know what they are symbolic of?
Yep, the male phallus that is correct! Or as they may be referred to as “A Shaft of Light” yep I’m laughing as I type…
These beautiful river rocks are collected after the monsoon season once a year in India
They are gathered from the holy waters of the Narmada River and individually hand carved
They are perfect for harmonising our Yin/Yang balance, and directing the flow of energies around your home in the practice of Feng Shui
These bring strength and love to your relationships and are symbolic of fertility. Keep one in your bedroom when trying to conceive and charge each month under the moon and her lunar rays
Metaphysically they are healing for fertility, impotence or other sexual dysfunctions. They also increase libido and may be used in tantric practices.
Useful for menopause symptoms and prostate disorders. They help ease back pain and balance fluid in the body.
Shiva Lingams are great for all over body massage and pressure points, also place them in your bath as they have a strong affinity with water
These stones raise the Kundalini energy from the base of our spine by moving and awakening it through our energy centres.
Lingams are one of the oldest religious symbols known to humans.
They are symbolic of the the masculine and feminine energy vibrations within us all.
They remind us that peace and harmony may be reached through the balance of both these forces
Shiva Lingams are a perfect choice for those who need balance and harmony