Selenite Double Point Wand
Selenite Double Point Wand
CHAKRA: Crown and Sacral
Length: 150mm
width: 28mm
Named after the Greek goddess Selene, meaning Moon
This crystal is a high vibration so perfect to use for meditation and focus
A stone of lunar and gentle energies which cleanses our aura of negative energy
Aids peaceful sleep and brings harmony to your surrounds
Did you know selenite is wonderful and healing for skin issues like, acne, eczema, dry, irritated or itchy skin!
It helps purify our system of toxins and removes any negative stagnant energy away from us, this results in a more healthy glow with good blood flow and positive health for happy supple skin
Selenite can also be placed on your window sill to keep bad spirits and elements away
Recharge under the full Moon to enhance the high vibrations and make it glow with energy
Metaphysical healing for fertility, hormones and balancing hormones. Excellent for breastfeeding
Selenite brings clarity of mind with higher understanding and connects us with Angelic realms
Do not get your selenite wet as it will eventually dissolve due to its make up of over 70% water
Double Termination Wands are powerful healing wands with the following benefits:
~ They direct energy simultaneously through each end of their terminations
~ they cleanse and balance our chakras
~ they absorb stagnant energy away and direct positive energy flow in through our bodies
~ amplify intentions and manifesting
~ useful for lucid dreaming and recall
~ empowering yourself by circling above your crown chakra and moving down your body
~ enhancing meditation and psychic abilities