Abalone Shell Sacred White Sage Smudge ~ Set of 3
Abalone Shell Sacred White Sage Smudge ~ Set of 3
White Sage Smudge Stick
4 inches
Pack includes White Sage Stick, Natural Abalone Shell, Feather
These beautiful natural Abalone Shells originate from Western Australia
Grown in the USA, this variety is Californian white sage and high quality being all natural
This is one of the original and most effectively simple ways to cleanse your home, mind, body & spirit
Native American cultures have used this method of cleansing and healing along with medicine men and shamans
I have Native American heritage from my Father and Grandfather and this is my favourite method of cleansing and warding of illness and lower negative energies.
My morning routine consists of using SweetGrass braid, Cedar or White Sage to cleanse my spirit and send blessings and love to my Ancestors. I do this at the beginning of the day and never miss a morning!
I also continue to burn it during my Distant Reiki Healings
For best results, I recommend using andAbalone Shell and Feather, this then uses all 4 Elements
Water ~ The Abalone Shell
Air ~ The feather guiding smoke towards the Heavens
Fire ~ The flame and smoke
Earth ~ The sacred herb you are burning
Sage will remove negative energy from your surrounds, body, mind & spirit, crystals, pets and everywhere you use the cleansing smoke
Always give thanks to Mother Earth when using your sacred herbs and dispose of them back into the earth, gardens or plants. This is valuable and should not be discarded as waste!
Please open all your windows and doors, this allows the negative energy or spirit to leave your surrounds
Light your Smudge and gently blow to create the smoke, this is then transferred to your surrounds to rid them of evil, illness and negative vibes
A feather and abalone shell are highly recommended as they enhance the protection and powers of the white sage and your pure intent
Walk to each room of your home to purify your surrounds with the Sage resting in the Abalone Shell in your left hand, and use the feather in your right hand to disperse smoke to all corners
Extinguish the sage after use by putting in sand or the earth
Place Abalone Shell and sage on a heat proof surface after use or if you leave your sage smouldering afterward (I do)
When your shell needs a clean simply wash in mild soap and warm water using a soft cloth, dry with a paper towel or air dry naturally in the Sun.
Our sage comes in sealed bags to retain its freshness
I Sage smudge all our crystals using my abalone shell and feather before shipping your orders
You may cleanse your home, car, pets, jewellery and crystals as frequently as you wish
Some FACTS and BENEFITS about using White Sage Smudge Sticks or any Sacred Herb
~ they provide a relaxed frame of mind by calming our senses with the aroma of fresh mountain air/trees
~ our energy is increased with the negative ions produced by the sage smoke, this helps counteract the excess positive ions we have around us all the time
~ clearer air free of bacteria, pollen, dust, and mould spores, so less allergic conditions
~ clearer mental focus with clear breathing
~ improved sleep patterns
~ natural antidepressant, the smell triggers our mind to mountains, outdoors and healing nature scents
~ perfect antibacterial tool instead of chemical sprays. In cooler months when the family get colds or flus, burn sage with windows closed to increase the antibacterial benefits in your home
Message if you would like further guidance or help
*Abalone Shells and feather colour will vary as they are natural unique creations*
©️ 2022 MoonstoneGypsyAU