Pistachio Calcite Obelisk
Pistachio Calcite Obelisk
weight: 288gms
height: 107mm
width: 41mm
This is a stone that is sacred to Earth spirits and Earth healers from Native North America to Scandinavia
Calcite is a stone that removes negative and stagnant energy from its surrounds
It brings vitality and increases household energy
It is a highly active crystal to allow spiritual growth
This beautiful banded Pistachio Calcite removes stress and instill harmony and peace
It helps emotional balance and stability
A good crystal used in Reiki healing, also good for treatments on nervous patients or animals
Metaphysically healing for colds and flus, infections and lymph glands. emotional balance
Obelisks are four sided crystals that connect to a centre termination
They are symbolic of a mountain or tower which amplifies energies and focus through their apex
They help dissipate negative vibes and stress so are great for any home or business
Obelisks help attain mental, physical and emotional balance