Intuitively Chosen ~Clear Quartz double point
Intuitively Chosen ~Clear Quartz double point
weight: 4gms
height: 13mm
width: 22mm
Clear Quartz is the highest crystal of powerful vibrations
The master crystal in healing our bodies and auric fields they fill us with pure life force energy
Beautiful white light protection, love and vibes from this highly evolved stone
Clear Quartz draws energies down from the Universe and higher sources and from nature
This energy transfers to our rainbow auric field and cleanses and centres our Chakras
It protects from negativity and offers psychic protection against black magic
Quartz promotes balance and harmony within for all over metaphysical healing
Used in crystal grids around the home they protect against electromagnetic pollution, negative earth energies and stresses from outside influences
Place 4 points around the body at regular intervals, alongside 4 small rose quartz to relieve stress and bring balance back to your body
Double Termination points are powerful healing wands with the following benefits:
~ They direct energy simultaneously through each end of their terminations
~ they cleanse and balance our chakras
~ they absorb stagnant energy away and direct positive energy flow in through our bodies
~ amplify intentions and manifesting
~ useful for lucid dreaming and recall
~ empowering yourself by circling above your crown chakra and moving down your body
~ enhancing meditation and psychic abilities
You receive one Quartz shown chosen intuitively for you