Hamsa harmony ~ Jasper Bracelet
Hamsa harmony ~ Jasper Bracelet
CHAKRA: Root, Heart, Throat, Third Eye
ELEMENT: Earth, Water
8mm gemstones on elastic
7 inches circumference
Our healing bracelets are the perfect way to receive crystal vibes into your daily routine. Layer them gypsy style for positivity and vitality
This lovely bracelet features a silver lotus charm
Jaspers are all beautiful nurturing stones
All Jaspers are metamorphic having undergone changes of movement, heat and pressure from Mother Earth over time, this creates their inner strength
This stone is great for encouraging initiative and to bring you confidence and creative vision
Use for healing strength to overcome an addiction by holding and focusing on the banding patterns
With regular use and holding it will unlock hidden fears and help you dissolve them
Metaphysically healing for skin disorders, allergies, IBS and boosting the immune system
Jasper absorbs negative energy and cleanses whilst aligning our physical, mental, etheric and auric bodies
It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution from our surrounds
Jasper activates our sexuality and increases pleasure
~ Associated with a balance between our mind and emotions
Known as the poets stone, it brings creative thoughts and action
Metaphysically healing for insomnia when placed beside your bedside or under your pillow to receive healing whilst sleeping
Aids menopausal symptoms and hot flushes
Sodalite has a strong vibration that will stimulate your ideas and allow you to act upon them
It is a powerful energy which resonates with both the Throat and Third Eye Chakra for communication and spiritual growth
Use to develop and enhance your intuition and stimulate psychic visions
It will allow understanding of the patterns behind practices such as meditation, tarot, astrology and crystal healing
~ Amazonite is a stone of courage, luck and calming energies. It has soothing vibes and may be carried as a lucky talisman when entering contests or a burst of luck is needed.
Metaphysically healing for throats, thyroid and recovery after illness. Keep a piece to maintain a healthy lifestyle.
Directs anger away and replaces with positivity and free flow vibes.
Amazonite increases self respect especially in women. It removes negative energy, irritability or energy blocks in the body. It also helps us manifest universal love and peace.
It provides protection against electromagnetic pollution, when placed near devices
It worn by the semi mythical Amazon women warriors who had their shields adorning it in 10th century BC. This is where the name evolved.
The tones are calming like the waters of the great amazon river that flows
Amazonite is balancing for all 7 of our Chakras but strongly resonates with the Heart and Throat chakras
Do not wet bracelet as quality may be affected over time