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Guatemalan Worry Doll Pouch ~ RAINBOW MOONSTONE

Guatemalan Worry Doll Pouch ~ RAINBOW MOONSTONE

Regular price $9.00 AUD
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CHAKRA: Sacral and Third Eye


I have created this healing pouch using my love of crystals and my Native beliefs...

These little dolls are fair trade and hand made in the villages of Guatemala by the beautiful people who reside there....

Their legend of the Worry Doll and the Family is as follows:

Hold your Worry Doll (whichever you feel drawn too) before bedtime and tell them your worries. Place the doll under your pillow to bring peaceful sleep. In the morning your worries will be less as the Doll takes them away

The family in each pouch contains 5-6 worry dolls. The beauty and energy of these pretty handmade pieces are amazing, simply radiating love and peace

If you have a family, you may all choose a favourite and keep them for your use as needed

Or if you have a few worries, choose a different doll for each worry and let them ease your burden 

Always give your doll gratitude prior to use and always the following morning for the negative energy they have absorbed for you

Like crystals, I believe a smudge cleansing is wonderful to remove any stagnant negative energy they absorb

Included for your pillow is a Rainbow Moonstone Tumble stone for its divine lunar energies

A stone of magical lunar Moon energies to bring out your inner goddess

Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and spiritual and personal growth

Moonstone is the ultimate mood crystal which deepens or brightens depending on your emotions and energy

Aids hormone balancing, fertility and brings lucid dreaming with peaceful sleep

This gorgeous crystal has a powerful vibration that helps increase psychic abilities, and allows you to embrace your intuition.

Moonstones have a highly spiritual nature and are a beautiful feminine energy to work with

Use to draw divine energies down from the Moon and honour your inner Goddess

Moonstone is most powerful on the night of the Full Moon

Moonstone combines lunar magic with emotions

You receive one pouch intuitively chosen for you, all are uniquely beautiful 

Each family of Worry Dolls and their pouch is unique, no two will be the same

The colours range from all that are shown in the Collection on our website. 




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