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Distant Reiki House Clearing Session

Distant Reiki House Clearing/Protection Reiki Session

Distant Reiki House Clearing/Protection Reiki Session

Regular price $60.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $60.00 AUD
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Embracing Transformation with Distant Reiki for Your Home

Discover the power of remote healing and clearing, amplifying your sacred spaces without needing physical presence. I incorporate sacred herbs like SweetGrass Braids, White Sage, or Palo Santo to carry our intentions to higher Spirit Realms, providing protection and grounding.

My Distant Reiki services include:
- Scanning and clearing negative energy in desired rooms
- Balancing vibrations and empowering spaces with Reiki energy
- Cherokee Blessings and protection using Native herbs

To initiate, please share photos of the rooms or property via email to

Choose from two options:
- Property boundaries and front entrance clearing
- Inside home clearing for three rooms

Experience the benefits:
- Removal of stagnant energy
- Empowerment with Sacred Reiki Symbols
- Crystal placement recommendations
- Protection and blessings surrounding your home

Select your preferred outcome:
- Abundance/wealth enhancement
- Improved sleeping patterns
- Boosted health and vitality
- Blocked energy release
- Universal protection
- Positivity and harmony attraction

This distant session will be completed within 7 days of purchase, preceded by an email notification the night before.

















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