Clear Quartz Heart
Clear Quartz Heart
ELEMENT: Fire And Water
weight: 29gms
height: 41mm
width: 43mm
A stone that brings harmony and balance to its surrounds
Clear Quartz is the master healer in the crystal world
It protects from negativity and offers psychic protection against black magic
It amplifies energies of all other gemstones and contains pure life force energies
Metaphysically healing for our whole body, soul and mind
Clear Quartz is a highly programmable stone making it perfect for meditation, manifesting or healing
Clear Quartz draws energies down from the Universe and higher sources and from nature
This energy transfers to our rainbow auric field and cleanses and centres our Chakras
It is believed in folklore, crystal hearts hold the energies of those who touch them
They make special gifts and are perfect used as a worry stone for your palm
Meditation holding them will bring peace and loving energies as the crystal type is amplified