Clear Quartz Cluster
Clear Quartz Cluster
ELEMENT: Water and Fire
weight: 75gms
height: 35mm
width: 72mm
Clear Quartz is the highest crystal of powerful vibrations
The master crystal in healing our bodies and auric fields they fill us with pure life force energy
Beautiful white light protection, love and vibes from this highly evolved stone
Clear Quartz draws energies down from the Universe and higher sources and from nature
This energy transfers to our rainbow auric field and cleanses and centres our Chakras
It protects from negativity and offers psychic protection against black magic
Quartz promotes balance and harmony within for all over metaphysical healing
In cluster form this crystal draws negativity away from other crystals placed beside them
Clusters contain intergrated energies
Clusters are great used in absent healing and energise other crystals and their surrounds
They bring the body back into harmony and restore imbalances
Clusters used in a room where you practice, meditation, Reiki, divination or healing will absorb negative vibes away from the healer and patient
When I use this in Reiki healings, this wonderful crystal helps take myself out the way, so the energy is pure for the receiver