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CANCER/CHEMO Healing Pouch©️

CANCER/CHEMO Healing Pouch©️

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CHAKRA: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart 

I have created these healing pouches based on my knowledge gained from my Crystal Healing Certification. These pouches are designed to help us by engaging our physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. These all form together and create our persona.

Crystal healing works by restoring balance on our etheric body before the illness manifests further. The Etheric body is a duplicate of our physical body and radiates around 4 inches above and is a higher vibration.

The etheric appears as a fine grey mist and does not filter bad or good vibes. This is when crystal healing is used to remove the blocks and restore healthy flow.

I recommend you leave these stones on or around your body for at least 15- 20 minutes to allow their energies to take effect. Crystals can become more powerful when used repeatedly for the same purpose.

These combination of crystals help assist our strength and well-being. I receive many questions about crystals to help counteract the effects of Cancer, chemo and radiation. These stones bring us some detoxing, protection, and balanced thoughts, in a much needed time


Snowflake Obsidian each contain their own unique snowflake pattern on the surface

They combine fire and ice with their form of volcanic silica glass

They will bring together certain parts of your life that need balancing 

Used in healing and laying on the chakras they will bring positive thoughts and release any build up tensions

Keep them in place for 15 minutes to allow energies to build

Metaphysically healing for strengthening bones, circulation, colds, sinus and a natural pain reliever 


Llanite originates from Texas in the US, it may also be referred to as Texan Que Sera

It is a combination of minerals that create a wonderful combination of energies and uplifting vibes

 It is a stone to attune with higher vibrations and expand our awareness of higher dimensions of the Universe

Llanite connects all Chakras and activates whilst cleansing them all during healing

It is a crystal that brings positivity and optimism and removes negativity 

Metaphysically healing for whole body balance and well being. This makes it ideal if we need to take medications daily, which can sometimes unbalance out delicate internal digestion, inflammation & micro organisms. 


Sunstone is formed within lava which when released on the Earths surface, with weathering reveals the inner crystal within

Sunstone and it’s rarer green variety is a wonderfully energising crystal to use for crystal healing, grids and amplifying your other crystal energies

It allows us to remove negativity with its bright light rays and makes depression and lower emotions a thing of the past

In its regular shade, of orange pearly sheen it is reminiscent of sunshine and it’s life giving properties and warmth

It is an all round Chakra Cleanser and energy bringer, but does concentrate on the Solar Plexus and health ailments that arise in this area when used in healings

Energies of happiness, luck and prosperity 

It helps uncover your hidden talents and may bring you unexpected prosperity

A good luck talisman for competitions and happy holidays and travel

Protecting from negative people who drain your energies and finances

Good to keep if you find yourself dependent on others emotionally

A crystal for empowerment, sunstone helps remove cravings and emotional thoughts associated with them, helps us on a positive new life path

Eases phobias about the dark and helps you become less fearful of their trigger point

Metaphysically healing for all lower body ailments, digestion, stomach ulcers and body odour


Bloodstone or "Helitrope" means turning with the Sun

It is a sun stone that when dipped in water and placed on the skin sends healing, this is believed in many cultures

Bloodstone is an excellent stone for detoxing the body and soul

Boosts energy, motivation, clarity and is uplifting with protective energies 

A Mother goddess stone to ease misunderstandings or problems with mothers

Keep a piece in a glass jar where the sun shines to attract money to your home or business

Metaphysically healing for lower back pain, nosebleeds, circulation and strength in childbirth and labour

Place beside your bedside or under your pillow for healing energies whilst sleeping

Remember to always cleanse the negative vibes absorbed by your stones after each use

You may use white sage, palo santo smudging or singing bowls to do so, or your preferred method

Place them in the Sun for an hour or so inside or outside to recharge for next use

This keeps them happy, cleansed and ready to programme for next healing

  © 2024 MoonstoneGypsyAU





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