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Black Tourmaline Healing Wand

Black Tourmaline Healing Wand

Regular price $59.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $59.00 AUD
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ELEMENT: Air, Earth

weight: 159gms

length: 107mm 4 inch

width: 32mm

Black Tourmaline is a powerful grounding crystal that deflects negative vibes away from its keeper like a shield

Used in healings it will bring the chakras into alignment and balance the body

It has strong earthy vibes that connect us with the Earth and human spirit

Used in meditation we may receive insight from higher spiritual realms

In Native American culture tourmaline stone is believed to protect against spells and evil

Keep some if you suffer anxiety or feel like you are in a bad situation

Use whilst meditating to keep you grounded safely on Mother Earth and connect with Earth energies

Metaphysically healing for arthritis, IBS, muscle pain, immune system and natural pain relieving

NOTE ~ do not wet Black Tourmaline, this can damage the outer surface of the crystal

To use a crystal wand for healing you may do any of the following:

-  for directing energy inward use the smaller rounded end toward the body

- to draw energy out use the widest point toward the body

- touch each chakra to instil energy flow and positivity 

- healing wands gather and direct energy and transfer the energy of their crystal type

- set your intention or blessing if using in meditation or blessings

- set your wand in your left receiving hand for Universal healing, love and light

- hold with the smallest point inward to the body to receive the energies

- if you have a negativity build up or problem reverse the wand to draw stagnant energies away from you and out into the universe to harmlessly dissipate

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