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Cosmic Bead Bracelet ~ Amazonite, Shiva & Picasso Jasper ~ Seaside

Cosmic Bead Bracelet ~ Amazonite, Shiva & Picasso Jasper ~ Seaside

Regular price $35.00 AUD
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CHAKRA: Root, Solar Plexus, Heart and Throat

ELEMENT: Water and Earth 

These beautiful handmade bracelets are adjustable

They feature two sizing options using loops and button fastening

Beads used are both polished and matte 

SHIVA NARMADA these beautiful river rocks are collected after the monsoon season once a year in India

They are gathered from the holy waters of the Narmada River and individually hand carved

They are perfect for harmonising our Yin/Yang balance, and directing the flow of energies around your home in the practice of Feng Shui

These bring strength and love to your relationships and are symbolic of fertility.

Keep one in your bedroom when trying to conceive and charge each month under the moon and her lunar rays

Useful for menopause symptoms and prostate disorders. They help ease back pain and balance fluid in the body.

These stones raise the Kundalini energy from the base of our spine by moving and awakening it through our energy centres.

Metaphysically they are healing for fertility, impotence or other sexual dysfunctions. They also increase libido and may be used in tantric practices.  

AMAZONITE is a stone of courage, luck and calming energies. It has soothing vibes and may be carried as a lucky talisman when entering contests or a burst of luck is needed.

Metaphysically healing for throats, thyroid and recovery after illness. Keep a piece to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Directs anger away and replaces with positivity and free flow vibes.

Amazonite increases self respect especially in women. It removes negative energy, irritability or energy blocks in the body.

 It also helps us manifest universal love and peace.

 It provides protection against electromagnetic pollution, when placed near devices

It  worn by the semi mythical Amazon women warriors who had their shields adorning it in 10th century BC. This is where the name evolved.

The tones are calming like the waters of the great amazon river that flows

Amazonite is balancing for all 7 of our Chakras but strongly resonates with the Heart and Throat chakras

PICASSO JASPER  is a wonderful stone to stop you worrying about life and bring joy

Jaspers are metamorphic undergoing repeated changes from heat, movement and pressure from Mother Earth that gives them their inner strength

Useful for connecting with the higher spiritual realms when in meditation

Jaspers all bring nurturing, peace, harmony and clarity

Aligns our physical and etheric bodies for free flowing energies

Metaphysically healing for arteries, intestines, legs and whole body healing

Jasper absorbs negative energy and cleanses whilst aligning our physical, mental, etheric and auric bodies

It clears electromagnetic and environmental pollution from our surrounds

Jasper activates our sexuality and increases pleasure

Do not wear your wrap in water as this will damage the beads and materials 

You will receive one bracelet chosen intuitively for you. Bead patterns will all slightly vary, as each is unique and hand designed 


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