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ARTHRITIS AID Healing Pouch ©️

ARTHRITIS AID Healing Pouch ©️

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CHAKRA:  Root, Heart, Throat & Third Eye

I have created these healing pouches based on my knowledge gained from my Crystal Healing Certification. These pouches are designed to help us by engaging our physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. These all form together and create our persona.

Crystal healing works by restoring balance on our etheric body before the illness manifests further. The Etheric body is a duplicate of our physical body and radiates around 4 inches above and is a higher vibration.

The etheric appears as a fine grey mist and does not filter bad or good vibes. This is when crystal healing is used to remove the blocks and restore healthy flow.

I recommend you leave these stones on or around your body for at least 15- 20 minutes to allow their energies to take effect. Crystals can become more powerful when used repeatedly for the same purpose.

Hold these soothing anti inflammation stones in your palms/fingers or place on sore joints 

LAPIS LAZULI teaches spiritual love and compassion and helps us realise what's important to us 

Metaphysically healing for headaches, migraines, reducing pain and inflammation and calming the nervous system

AMETHYST is an all healer of stress and body ailments. Use for chronic arthritis flare ups or for muscle spasm. It delivers rejuvenation and is perfect for headaches also

HEMATITE is a stone that is a natural pain reliever it brings grounding energies to us.

It is symbolic of Mother Earth and said to draw success toward you with its magnetic pull. Boosting for our immune system. Hematite is a natural pain reliever, hold over the sore spot for 10 minutes whilst relaxing

MOSS AGATE is a beautiful stone to cleanse the aura and eliminate negative energy. Its safe to infuse for making elixirs and placing in your bath also

Humans, pets and plants all benefit from the earthy renewing vibrations she holds within. Moss agate is a crystal known as a gardeners stone it encourages plant health and good harvests

These stones have been chosen to compliment each other with their healing vibrations 

They are designed to release your body and mind of any negative or toxic energies you hold

Place them under your pillow or on your beside to receive healing energies whilst sleeping

Put them in your bra, pocket or purse to receive crystal vibes whenever needed

Remember to always cleanse the negative vibes absorbed by your stones after each use

You may use white sage, palo santo smudging or singing bowls to do so or you preferred method

Place them in the Sun for an hour or so inside or outside to recharge for next use

This keeps them happy, cleansed and ready to programme for next healing

© 2020 MoonstoneGypsyAU



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