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GUARDIAN ANGEL Healing Pouch©️

GUARDIAN ANGEL Healing Pouch©️

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CHAKRA:  Sacral, Throat, Third Eye, Crown

I have created these healing pouches based on my knowledge gained from my Crystal Healing Certification. These pouches are designed to help us by engaging our physical, etheric, astral and mental bodies. These all form together and create our persona.

Crystal healing works by restoring balance on our etheric body before the illness manifests further. The Etheric body is a duplicate of our physical body and radiates around 4 inches above and is a higher vibration.

The etheric appears as a fine grey mist and does not filter bad or good vibes. This is when crystal healing is used to remove the blocks and restore healthy flow.

I recommend you leave these stones on or around your body for at least 15- 20 minutes to allow their energies to take effect. Crystals can become more powerful when used repeatedly for the same purpose.

This pouch was created for a lovely customer, whom wanted protection for a younger relative, whilst connecting with higher spiritual realms, and I adored the vibes so much I have now kept it for everyone to enjoy!

Named after the Greek goddess Selene, resonating with the moon lunar cycles

This crystal is a high vibration making it great for meditation and increasing spiritual focus and growth

A stone of lunar and gentle energies which cleanses our aura of negative energy

Aids peaceful sleep and brings harmony to your surrounds

Selenite can also be placed on your window sill to keep bad spirits and elements away

Recharge under the full Moon to enhance the high vibrations and make it glow with energy

Selenite brings clarity of mind with higher understanding and connects us with Angelic realms

Did you know selenite is wonderful and healing for skin issues like, acne, eczema, dry, irritated or itchy skin!

It helps purify our system of toxins and removes any negative stagnant energy away from us, this results in a more healthy glow with good blood flow and positive health for happy supple skin 

Metaphysical healing for fertility, hormones and balancing hormones. Excellent for hormones

Do not get your selenite wet as it will eventually dissolve due to its make up of over 70% water

These are great for grid work or using for charging for your other smaller crystals

I keep one beside my iPad all day as I work, this improves mind clarity and also removes negative energies from my surrounds

Angelite  ~ A beautiful stone of guardian angels and connections

This crystal acts like a psychic shield against ill wishing, but does not harm the sender

Helps you speak the right words in any situation, keep when you are finding the right words to say

Great to give to anyone who moves house so they may connect with their home guardian and bring blessings

Use to channel healing from Angels via your hands and voice

It is a soothing sky blue which resonates harmony and peace

Allows us to reach higher spiritual realms

Metaphysically healing for infections, use during sound healing,  inflammation, indigestion and nervous rashes

Amethyst ~  is the all healer of plants, people and pets

It is referred to as Nature’s Tranquilizer to us healers and light workers!

Amethyst is useful for breaking obsessions and addictions 

It protects from ill wishing and paranormal attacks

It purifies the aura of any negative energy or energy blocks and places a protective bubble of light around our bodies allowing us to remain safe and centered while opening our selves to spiritual awareness and enlightenment.

Amethyst holds the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality

Attracts good luck to your life with harmony and peace. Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone to open our psychic centres for growth

Metaphysically healing for headaches, stress and insomnia

Moonstone ~ A stone of magical lunar Moon energies to bring out your inner goddess

Rainbow Moonstone is a stone of new beginnings and spiritual and personal growth

Moonstone is the ultimate mood crystal which deepens or brightens depending on your emotions and energy

Aids hormone balancing, fertility and brings lucid dreaming with peaceful sleep

This gorgeous crystal has a powerful vibration that helps increase psychic abilities, and allows you to embrace your intuition.

Moonstones have a highly spiritual nature and are a beautiful feminine energy to work with

Use to draw divine energies down from the Moon and honour your inner Goddess

Moonstone is most powerful on the night of the Full Moon

Moonstone combines lunar magic with emotions

©️2020 MoonstoneGypsyAu  

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