Amethyst Pillow Palm Stone
Amethyst Pillow Palm Stone
CHAKRA: Third Eye
weight: 62gms
height: 53mm
width: 38mm
Amethyst is the all healer of plants, people and pets
It is referred to as Nature’s Tranquilizer to us healers and light workers!
Amethyst is useful for breaking obsessions and addictions
It protects from ill wishing and paranormal attacks
It purifies the aura of any negative energy or energy blocks and places a protective bubble of light around our bodies allowing us to remain safe and centered while opening our selves to spiritual awareness and enlightenment.
Amethyst holds the energy of fire and passion, creativity and spirituality
Attracts good luck to your life with harmony and peace. Amethyst is a highly spiritual stone to open our psychic centres for growth
Metaphysically healing for headaches, stress and insomnia
Palm stones are great used in meditation, massage, as worry stones or in crystal healing
On a healing level Palm Stones work by :
~ reducing our stress levels when we hold and stroke them
~ this releases our natural endorphins or painkillers
~ The crystal energies also give us their their healing vibrations
Known as “pillows“ due to their comfort of holding!
They resemble a plush pillow and fit so curved and snug in any palm
Alternatively place in your pillow case for healing during slumber and sweet dreaming