African Bloodstone Pillow Palm Stone
African Bloodstone Pillow Palm Stone
CHAKRA: Root, Sacral and Heart
ELEMENT: Earth and Fire
weight: 78gms
height: 67mm
width: 33mm
Bloodstone or "Helitrope" means turning with the Sun
It is a sun stone that when dipped in water and placed on the skin sends healing, this is believed in many cultures
Bloodstone is an excellent stone for detoxing the body and soul
Boosts energy, motivation, clarity and is uplifting with protective energies
A Mother goddess stone to ease misunderstandings or problems with mothers
Keep a piece in a glass jar where the sun shines to attract money to your home or business
Metaphysically healing for lower back pain, nosebleeds, circulation and strength in childbirth and labour
Healing energies for colds, flu or viral attacks , healthy digestion and anemia
They bring balance and stability to their surrounding area
Palm stones are great used in meditation, massage, as worry stones or in crystal healing
On a healing level Palm Stones work by :
~ reducing our stress levels when we hold and stroke them
~ this releases our natural endorphins or painkillers
~ The crystal energies also give us their their healing vibrations
Known as “pillows“ due to their comfort of holding!
They resemble a plush pillow and fit so curved and snug in any palm
Alternatively place in your pillow case for healing during slumber and sweet dreaming