Reiki Healing & How it Works

Reiki Healing & How it Works

Reiki? Ever wondered what it is and how to say it?
“Ray Key” is the correct way to pronounce it.

Reiki is a higher Universal healing from the source. It 
may be felt through the body, even though we can’t physically see it being transferred. Reiki Masters who have been attuned like myself from a Reiki Lineage of Masters are able to send this healing to where it’s needed. It’s as effective via distant healing as it is, if I was in person with you.

You simply need to accept the healing that is being offered. Your higher Spirit Guides and the Universe send this energy to where you most require it. I simply act as the vessel for the energy to come through and be passed to the client. Sensations & emotions may vary, some feel heat, tingling, sometimes even an increase in condition, then healing occurs over the following days. Always stay hydrated after a healing and take time to rest where needed. 

I cleanse and Reiki infuse all our products with highest healing and goodness. 

Reiki Distant Healing works on energy and timelessness for we are all connected.

Benefits of regular healings are:

Stress reduction

Decreasing pain

Improved Sleep

Balancing Chi within our body

Boost immunity and health

Eases Anxiety

I offer Distant Reiki Crystal Healings every week which includes a 30 - 60 minute session, custom crystal healing pouch and email of your healing and crystal properties. Visit our website to purchase. 

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